Sharing our experiences, our story. Being curious of someone else’s.  Exploring our world first hand, through Living History.

It’s about seeing each other.

The most valuable gift in experiencing different people, customs and culture is discovering how similar we all are.  How our basic routines are near exact, and how we all want the same things – Family, Community, Opportunity.  How similar our core beliefs truly are; our values, our morals, hopes and dreams. Including our struggles, our pain, and our sorrow.

Very few of us have opportunity to travel the world, while all of us have been given the opportunity to learn how our corporate owned, world news media is far from bound to any truths.

For hundreds of years, Politics has created tremendous division, without a single soul being exempt from its impact.  Yet what remains, is that the majority of human beings are still good. We hold a  belief in good, we carry compassion, stand up for strangers, and believe in a Creator. 

Seeing ourselves in others expands who we are, bringing  compassionate curiosity, allowing us, even encouraging us, to embrace difference.

Share our stories, our experience, our voice, even our beliefs!  Share who we are, and what we face in pursuing our happiness.  Absorb ourselves in the experiences of others. 

Show each other what the world looks like through your lens, with the intention of knowing the most precious gift is an enlightened sense of connection. A connection beyond the shared experience.  One that allows us to actually feel our humanitarian bond and to see more clearly our relationship with Creation. A connection seeded in recognizing our same joy, our same pain, our same humanness. 

Many seeds are being planted in our gardens, and growing quickly, connecting all of us, without regard, through the intertwining of their roots, as we together, witness the creation of our history. 

May we all share our shoes, and with compassionate curiosity, may all of us step into them.  May we all, truly see each other.